Twin Bed – double your pleasure

A twin bed is a piece of furniture that is generally used to sleep or take rest.

These days there are hundreds of different kinds of beds available in the market in different sizes, shapes and dimensions. So if you go to the market you are bound to find a variety of beds which include types like Twin bed , Single bedDouble bed, Full bed, Queen bed, King bed, California King, Western King, and Eastern king bed to name a few. Each of these differs from the other in terms of size and dimensions. A twin bed is one part of two identical beds in terms of size, shape and dimensions.

Twin bed – Where to use it?
A twin bed is also known as a single bed and you will find twin beds most commonly in children’s rooms or in the living rooms of small flats in case of Indian households. A Twin bed is also found in multi use guest rooms and hotel rooms where they are often put together to make a double bed. They are often used in college dormitories too. Often two twin beds are accommodated with a centre table in between or kept in a bunk bed fashion.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Twin bed
Advantages – The twin bed has many advantages. One of the advantages is that it can fit into the smallest bedroom without too much trouble as it is very narrow and can fit easily into the standard door. Secondly it has a trundle underneath which can accommodate a sleepover guest. Thirdly twin sheets are very inexpensive and available in many patterns, and lastly it can be used to make bunk beds too.

Disadvantages – The twin bed also has a few disadvantages one of them being that they can be too short length wise and too narrow breadth wise for many adults and teens.

Dimensions of the twin bed
There are some standard dimensions of the twin bed and the overall accepted dimension is 39″ wide x 75″ long. This is the standard dimension but many times they are made 5” longer to accommodate taller people. This can be disadvantageous because then it becomes difficult to find sheets for the twin bed.

Cost and varieties and variations of the twin bed
A good twin bed is likely to cost you anywhere between 250 dollars to more than a thousand dollars if you go for a fancy one. And the twin bed comes In a variety of materials too from wood to metal to wrought iron and sun mica. Apart from this you can find the twin bed in different colors and patterns like floral or stripes. You can make variations to a twin bed by putting head boards and foot boards, trundles, attached drawers or make a sofa – cum beds. Thus it can be put to multiple uses.