Sound Proofing the interior or your house – is it worth it?

Sound Proofing the interior or your house is it worth it?

Do you wake up the kids with the TV, well its time to think about sound proofing. 

You have heard about sound proofing the outside of your home. Have you thought about sound proofing the inside. I think that certain rooms are necessary, some are not worth the trouble. I am not talking about tearing down walls. Well if you want noise proof, that is your only option. You tear down the walls and put sound proofing insulation in the space between the studs.

There are other things that you can do at a much less expense. Carpeting is an excellent sound proofing substance. We just tore out the carpet in the study and put in hardwood flooring. The sound difference is incredible, noises just bounce. When I am on the phone in the study after the kids go to bed, my wife closes the door and “shushes me.” We will eventually put in a throw rug to help with that. If you have hardwood a throw rug is one of your best options. Long curtains are another way to dampen sound. Fabric is one of the best ways to do that. It is best to have at least 25% of the room with some form of noise dampening material. If you have hardwood in the hallways the sound will just bounce down the hallway. A rug runner down the hallway will help that.

Our basement has a drop ceiling and carpet. One morning the kids and I were down there just having a big time (i.e. not being quiet) while my wife slept in. An hour later she came down and said that she could not hear a thing.

There are many ways to sound proofing sound inside your house. Explore those options, and you will be able to better live in your home after people go to bed.