Home Heating System – keep your tootsies warm

Home Heating System – keep your tootsies warm

The largest energy user in ones home is the home heating system. So choosing a new energy-efficient home heating system is especially important. Many homes have central heating systems that generate heat at a central point and distribute it by air, water or steam to the rooms in the house. So before purchasing a new home heating system it is important to compare efficiencies and installation and maintenance costs of various heating systems.

Warm air home heating systems or the furnaces heat the house using heated air. The heated air rises through large supply ducts and the cool air is pushed into the furnace through cold air return ducts. In the forced air system warm air is forced into the ducts using a blower. The heated air enters the room through registers or diffusers. The cold air is returned to the furnace where it is filtered of dust and dirt particles where it is reheated and recirculated.

Home Heating System Using Solar
Choosing the proper solar energy system depends on the criteria like design and heating needs of the house. To heat your home with solar energy you need to decide whether you want an active or a passive system. Active solar systems collectors that collect solar radiation and electric fans distribute heat from the collectors. Unlike passive systems, active systems are often more practical since most systems incorporate storage systems to provide heat when sun is not shining. Passive solar systems are popular due to their simplicity. However they are impractical to fit in an existing home if the site is shady. You need to consult a professional before installing the solar heating systems.

Active Heating Solar Systems types
Two basic types of active solar heating systems are liquid or air systems. Liquid systems use water or an anti-freeze solution to capture, transfer and store heat produced by hydronic collectors. Whereas in air systems air is captured, transferred and heat is stored and distributed from “air collectors”. Both these systems collect solar radiation, distribute and store heat that the collectors produce.

Boilers or Hot Water Home Heating System
Boilers work on the principle that hot water rises and circulates from boiler through large supply to radiators. Due to the weight difference between the hot and cold water the cold-water returns back to the boiler. A pump distributes the hot water and the pipes that are attached to the boiler can be placed above or below the boiler. The expansion tank of the boiler acts as a cushion of air from heated water to expand, so the pressure does not become excessive in the system.

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