Fiberglass Insulation – strength and protection

Fiberglass Insulation – strength and protection

Fiberglass is a general term used for any material that happens to contain or is made up of thin fibers of glass. Fiberglass is known for both its strength and reinforcement properties. Fiberglass insulation is an invention of the Owens Corning Company and has long been marketed as a home insulation product.

How is fiberglass made?
Glass that is used to make windows or glassware is the basic substance from which fiberglass is made. Molten glass is extruded through ultra fine openings resulting in the formation of glass threads, which can then be woven together to form a patch of glass. More chemical resins are added to these patches and then pressed into molds. Fiberglass that is formed at the end of this process is lightweight and very much heat-resistant. Hence it is very much used in electrical circuit boards or as a good home insulation material.

What is fiberglass insulation?
After fiberglass is made using the above process, it may be mixed with other chemical substances to form thick insulating pads. These pads may then be fixed to aluminized backing paper. This is then cut into slabs of various widths and is then fixed on to the unfinished walls. More amounts of fiberglass roll insulation is applied between the exterior wall and the interior wallboard. The insulation is then set in place and dry walls may then be set up to finish the house.

Safety tips for fiberglass insulation
Although fiberglass is used on a large-scale in insulation for homes and large buildings as well, it may not always involve a safe and convenient way of installation. Fiberglass contains microscopic bits of glass. Hence it is important to wear appropriate clothing such as gloves, goggles, long pants and long-sleeved shirts while working with fiberglass insulation. Also it is important to keep in mind that extremely small pieces or shards of glass can stick to the skin and may not be washed off easily. This can also cause other health problems such as irritation to the lungs and damage to the eyes. It is recommended that a professional and qualified insulation contractor be hired to carry out the work of fiberglass insulation.